Federal Excess Property Management Web Application

This technology, known as the FedExProp App, is a web application that seeks to help users manage Federal Property and comply with USDA and other Federal Agency reporting requirements associated with the Federal Excess Property Program (FEPP). This easy-to-use application allows users to efficiently search for and update records for the property in their possession. This includes the ability to add pictures to the record. The purpose of the application is to make the extensive record keeping required of users of the FEPP more simple by providing this new interface. 



Institutions in the Federal Excess Property Program have many requirements when they acquire property on-loan through the program. There are extensive reporting requirements where the including the record of the location of the property and the eventual disposal of the property. Unfortunately there is not a uniform way that for the institutions to keep track of and report the required information. FedExProp looks to solve this problem by providing users with a simple application that allows them to report information quickly and accurately.



  • Institutions within Federal Excess Property Program
  • Potential for use in agencies that distribute property
  • Potential for use as a means of tracking any kind of property



  • Simple to use
  • Allows for multiple users
  • Provides a more accessible means for institutions to access the application and avoid costly compliance issues
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