Enhanced MALDI-MS Analysis of Peptides Using Amphiphilic Homopolymers

Selective and enhanced detection of peptides from complex mixtures. A special class of polymers is used to selectively extract and concentrate peptides of interest from complex mixtures, while simultaneously enhancing their detection using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry.





These polymers can selectively extract peptides based on their isoelectric point with efficiencies close to 100%. When used in a simple two-phase extraction system, peptides can be concentrated 30- to 100-fold while maintaining the desired selectivity. Furthermore, the presence of the polymers during the MALDI-MS analysis actually leads to an order of magnitude or greater increase in peptide ionization efficiency.




Mass spectrometry is perhaps the most important tool used in proteomics studies; however, the complexity of proteomic samples and the wide concentration range of peptides and proteins in these samples require effective extraction or fractionation protocols to take full advantage of mass spectrometry's power. This invention can be used to selectively extract and concentrate peptides from complex mixtures while providing sensitivities in the attomole range. This new technique will have applicability in protein identification, peptide biomarker discovery, and diagnostic methods that rely on sensitive peptide analyses.




Dr. Thayumanavan is a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a highly accomplished expert in organic and polymer chemistry. His research focuses on the design, synthesis and characterization of organic macromolecules of interest in supramolecular chemistry, materials science and biological applications. He has broad and well-established expertise in developing custom-designed molecules for specific end use applications especially in the area of polymer-based vehicles for delivery of therapeutics.




Available for licensing or research collaboration




UMA 07-04/rss.CaseId>




Patent pending







Sankaran Thayumanavan, Ph.D.





Selective and enhanced detection of peptides from complex mixtures. A special class of polymers is used to selectively extract and concentrate peptides of interest from complex mixtures, while simultaneously enhancing their detection using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry.

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