Elisa Test for EZE-Gluc (EZE-MASH)

This innovation is an ELISA assay test designed to help identify patients with Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH) by measuring levels of ezetimibe glucuronide, or EZE-Gluc, in urine. EZE-Gluc is a byproduct of the drug ezetimibe, which is processed differently in people with MASH, resulting in higher levels of EZE-Gluc in their urine. By administering a safe dose of ezetimibe and then measuring the EZE-Gluc levels, the device can indicate the presence of MASH. Elevated EZE-Gluc levels would not only suggest MASH but also indicate that certain other drugs might remain in the bloodstream longer, potentially requiring adjustments in their dosages. This makes the device a valuable tool for both diagnosing liver disease and managing medication for individuals with MASH.

Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH) is a liver disease that complicates the body's ability to process certain medications, leading to higher risks of drug toxicity. Currently, diagnosing MASH typically requires invasive liver biopsies or complex imaging techniques, which can be costly, uncomfortable, and not easily accessible for all patients. These traditional methods are also not practical for frequent monitoring. This new device offers a non-invasive, at-home solution for detecting MASH by measuring the levels of EZE-Gluc, a metabolite of ezetimibe, in urine. Unlike current methods, this test is simple, safe, and can be performed without the need for medical professionals. It provides a quick and reliable way to monitor liver function and medication metabolism, making it easier for patients to manage their condition and adjust their treatments as needed. This technology addresses the limitations of current diagnostic tools by being more convenient, less invasive, and suitable for regular use. 


  • Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis diagnostic
  • Home healthcare
  • Pharmaceutical monitoring for drug interactions


  • Non-invasive
  • Convenient for at-home use
  • Faster results compared to traditional methods
  • Less expensive than imaging techniques and biopsies
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