Electrospun Semiconductive Organic Nanofiber P-N Junctions

Competitive Advantages

  • New structure for organic semiconductive electronics
  • Single process step of electrospinning
  • Fabrication of coaxial  and nanostructures
  • Synchronized parallel sensing


USF inventors have developed a single-step process to provide a new structure for organic semiconductive electronics, prepared by electrospinning a P-N junction of organic semiconductive and conductive polymers for electrical devices. This invention has the novelty of fabricating a core/shell nanofiber using organic semiconductive and conductive polymers, which are critical in the fabrication of organic diodes, transistors, and sensors. The internal (core) nanofiber forms a direct junction with the shell generating a p-n junction (a diode). Similarly, multicore nanofibers can also be produced. Multicore nanofibers posses different strands of materials inside the core to allow sensing of different elements. This invention is a significant advancement in the art of organic semiconductors, allowing for efficient flexible arrays with better performance and low power requirements, as well as advancing the application and implementation of electrospinning.  

Coaxial Nanofibers Showing Single and Multiple Core Arrays With Their Respective Nanodisks 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Coaxial Semiconductive Organic Nanofibers And Electrospinning Fabrication Thereof Utility United States 15/891,178 10,629,814 2/7/2018 4/21/2020 2/7/2038