Electrochemical Tweezer for Electrified Solid Liquid Interface Characterization (Case No. 2024-200)


UCLA researchers in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering have developed a method for the real-time characterization of nanoscale solid-liquid interfaces present in batteries.


Electrified interfaces between a liquid and solid play key roles in various scientific disciplines, from ion-transfer during battery operation to action potentials during biological communication.. Real-time imaging techniques of these microscale phenomena provide insights into the dynamic and non-equilibrium processes that occur during battery operation, facilitating the development of improved batteries. However, conventional tools are unable to properly characterize the dynamics of this interface type, leaving major gaps in our understanding of fundamental processes. Existing imaging techniques struggle to provide real-time, high-resolution insights into these dynamic and non-equilibrium interfacial states, particularly at the nanoscale. Specifically, current tools are unable to characterize these structures below 50nm, which is a blind spot that severely hampers battery technology development. There is a clear need for a real-time, nanoscale imaging system that would provide improved insights in solid electrolyte interphases (SEIs).


UCLA researchers have developed electrified cryogenic electron microscopy (eCryo-EM), a tool that can rapidly trap the dynamic states of the solid-liquid interface during battery operation. The core innovation of this technology is that reactions can be frozen and captured while they occur, that is, while the battery is actively in operation. The team has also developed a simple sample preparation tool called a “tweezer cell” which enables simple sample preparation without blotting, sectioning, rinsing or drying steps. Minimizing the hands-on manipulation allows researchers using this technique to accurately investigate local structure changes as they evolve during battery operation. This tool provides an invaluable approach to study the dynamic nanoscale processes at electrified interfaces fundamental to batteries and biological systems.

Potential Applications:

  • Battery performance optimization
  • Medical imaging
  • Materials science


  • Image resolution below current 50nm limit
  • Real-time dynamic imaging
  • Non-destructive analysis

State of Development:

The inventors have developed eCryo-EM and used it to discover and characterize an ultrathin layer within the solid electrolyte interphase.

      Related Publications:

  1. Trapping and imaging dynamic battery nanointerfaces via electrified cryo-EM
  2. Electrified Operando-Freezing of Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction Cells for Cryogenic Electron Microscopy.


UCLA Case No. 2024-200

Lead Inventor:

Yuzhang Li, UCLA Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

Patent Information: