This technology establishes a novel foundation as an alternative to antibiotic-free wound dressings to eliminate infectious species from tissue via the continuous delivery of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Considerable attention is being focused on alternative, antibiotic-free biofilm removal strategies and the concept of electrical stimulation as a wound treatment has been advocated for over a century. While electrochemically-generated hydrogen peroxide near biofilm surfaces could potentially eliminate the biofilm, this requires continuous delivery at low concentrations in clinical settings. Our technology is a vast improvement of this idea. An electrochemical scaffold has been developed which can reduce atmospheric oxygen to hydrogen peroxide at desired concentrations to kill the pathogenic/nonpathogenic bacterial cells in the wound bed without damaging cells.
It is well known that hydrogen peroxide is produced in wounds and is required for healing. However, delivery of hydrogen peroxide to infected wounds at an optimal concentration is always a challenge. While high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can cause oxidative damage and prevent wound healing, low concentrations on the other hand are not biocidal. This innovative technology allows for an optimal generation of hydrogen peroxide in controlled quantities and ensures its continuous delivery to the wound bed. Additionally, the levels at which hydrogen peroxide is delivered is critical to having an effective antibiotic effect. This technology works via a controlled release of hydrogen peroxide ensuring the proper dose is delivered to the affected area without damaging the wound.
This invention provides an improved alternative to currently available antibiotic-free wound dressing as well as wound dressings which utilize antibiotics. Scaffolds which are laden with antibiotics lose potency over time as their concentration gradient decreases. Furthermore, none of the existing scaffolds are capable of continuous delivery of antimicrobial agents at constant concentrations and for a significant length of time. In summary, this is a highly effective and antibiotic-free scaffold to protect wounds against biofilm invasion, and to treat infected wounds without causing oxidative damage. This could change the way infected wounds are treated.
Patent Information:
US Patent issued on January 25, 2022, as U.S. Patent No. 15/743,605.