Dual function tamper seal for a consumer test kit

In context of the opioid epidemic and the recent rise of accidental overdoses, Jefferson researchers have developed two substance testing kits, one for fentanyl and one for substances such as MDMA and heroin. There currently are no substance testing kits on the market that are specifically designed for the consumer. Corrosive reagents, small accessories and difficult to follow instructions make them dangerous and difficult to conduct outside of a laboratory setting. Research suggests that allowing a user to self test for laced substances may decrease instances of accidental overdose.

A novel feature implemented in both reagent and fentanyl testing kits is a tamper evident seal/spacer (Component C). The primary functions it serves are:

1) To alert consumers to the integrity of the product. If the seal has been removed or punctured, the test kit may be compromised and not function safely or properly.

2) To maintain the appropriate positioning of the testing straw (Component B) during storage prior to use. This also decreases the risk of users coming into contact with corrosive chemical reagents, such as sulfuric acid.


Key Application and Advantages:

●       Decreases the amount of steps and accessories needed in order to complete a test by containing all processes in one central body

●       Keeps users separate from corrosive chemical reagents prior to testing

●       Small size allows for discrete transportation and usage


Reagent Testing Kit Description:

To complete a test, a user will tear off the tamper evident seal/spacer (Fig 1, Component C) and then remove the lid (Fig 1, Component A). The user will collect a small sample of the substance in question in the tip of the testing straw and reinsert it into the testing kit body (Fig 1, Component D). At this time, due to the removal of the tamper evident seal/spacer the testing straw will puncture the duckbill valve (Fig 1, Component F). The duckbill valve is a corrosion resistant valve that prevents the passage of corrosive chemical reagent back into the body of the testing kit but allows the testing straw to pass into the glass ampule (Fig 1, Component G). Upon puncture of the duckbill valve, the substance that was collected in the tip of the testing straw mixes with the chemical reagent. With the spacer no longer in place, the lid is able to seat fully on the body (Fig 1, Component D) of the testing kit and is pressed down to snap in place securely. After a minute or so the combination of the chemical reagent and substance in question produces a color change which can be viewed through the viewing window (Fig 1, Component E) and correctly identified.


Fentanyl Testing Kit Description:

Similarly, for the fentanyl testing process, a user will tear off the tamper evident seal/spacer (Fig 2, Component C) and then remove the lid (Fig 2, Component A). The user will collect a small sample of the substance in question on a pre-wetted swab at the end of the testing straw. In this case, the testing straw has an immunoassay strip affixed to it (similar to a pregnancy test). After collecting a sample, the user will reinsert the straw into the testing kit body (Fig 2, Component D). At this time, due to the removal of the tamper evident seal/spacer the testing straw will puncture a foil seal. A valve is not needed in this case due to the base nature of the buffer solution being stored in the ampule, instead of corrosive reagent. Upon puncture of the foil seal, the substance that was collected on the pre-wetted swab mixes with the buffer solution. With the spacer no longer in place, the lid is able to seat fully on the body (Fig 2, Component D) of the testing kit and is pressed down to snap in place securely. After a minute or so the combination of the buffer solution and substance in question produces a resulting line on the immunoassay strip. Presence of fentanyl is then confirmed or dismissed. There is a viewing window through which to view this reaction.


Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXXIK9sDZYs&feature=youtu.be

Patent Information: