Doped Tin Selenium Single Crystals

NU 2014-015B



Mercouri Kanatzidis*

Li-Dong Zhao


Short Description

Novel single crystal material for conversion of heat to electricity



The increasing demand for electricity has motivated many researchers to develop strategies for increasing power production while reducing energy waste. Northwestern scientists have developed a new material for generation of thermoelectric power from waste heat. This material is generated by sodium doping of tin selenium crystals, which enhances conductivity 100 fold. Prof. Kanatzidis and colleagues have found that in laboratory conditions this material has a calculated conversion efficiency of about 25.4%, approaching the 30% Carnot heat engine efficiency. The high conversion efficiency of this innovative material, combined with its favorable thermal properties could lead to its incorporation into thermoelectric power generators in the future.



  • Generation of thermoelectric power
  • Thermal barrier devices



  • Excellent electrical transport
  • Ultralow thermal conductivity
  • High conversion efficiency (25.4%)



Zhao L, Lo S, Zhang Y, Sun H, Tan G, Uher C, Wolverton C, Dravid V, Kanatzidis M (2014) Ultralow Thermal Conductivity and High Thermoelectric Figure of Merit in SnSe Crystals. Nature, 508: 373-377.


IP Status

Issued US Patent No. 10,002,998

Patent Information: