Dispersive Element as a Wavelength Recombiner for AVHF

This invention is a technique to compensate for the spectral dispersion of the Advanced Volume Holographic Filter (AVHF) using yet another dispersive element. This new element acts as a spectral recombiner and collimate all the different wavelengths.

The Advanced Volume Holographic Filter (AVHF) is a holographic system capable of broadband depth-based wavefront selection. The system is composed of two holographic elements: a pre-dispersor (PD) and a volume holographic filter (VHF). The performance of the system can best be characterized by the angular and wavelength selectivity. The high angular and spectral selectivity of volume holograms have been used in fields like astronomy, spectroscopy, microscopy, and optical communications to perform spatial filtering and wavefront selection. The technique developed by the inventors is an improvement to current techniques that are being used in the field of optical sciences.


  • Telescope filter
  • Optical telecommunication


  • Ease of use
  • Inexpensive
  • Angular and wavelength selectivity
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