Differential Target Antenna Coupling (DTAC) Data Corrections

This technology notably enhances the Differential Target Antenna Coupling (DTAC) technology (UA10-041) by orders of magnitude in the measured DTAC response accuracy, allowing for better depth of investigation, improved target location, and improved target characteristics.


Current ground-penetrating (GPR) technologies are sensitive to the orientation of the measurement system and to variation in the background resistivity. The DTAC Data Corrections remedies these issues while also reducing the sensitivity to surface clutter.



  • Near-surface target applications like civil engineering and water resources
  • Deep targets applications like mining and natural resource exploration


  • The vertical array DTAC method can be adapted to rapidly moving measurement platforms such as from a helicopter
  • The DTAC method is not sensitive to the orientation of the measurement system and it is relatively insensitive to variations in the background resistivity
  • Also insensitive to surface clutter such as fences, steel building, and vehicles
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