Development of Aptamers Neutralizing Antibodies for Demyelinating Diseases

This innovation is research involving the development of aptamers that work to neutralize antibodies which harm the myelin sheath of nerves. The innovation can be a successful treatment for both multiple sclerosis (MS) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIPD). These aptamers will be very specific to block certain autoantibodies and can be designed to have specific aptamer panels for each patient depending on what autoantibodies they have. The current treatments for these auto-immune diseases are non-specific and only treat the symptoms, not the underlying problems of the symptoms. The technology has the potential to provide a personalized approach for patients by neutralizing one of the pathologic components of the autoimmune reaction that causes demyelination.


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease which affects millions of people worldwide. The disease is one of many which affects the central nervous system and is currently without a cure. Without a cure, medical research focuses on treatment for MS and trying to make life more manageable for those suffering from the debilitating disease. Aptamers are small single-stranded DNA or RNA oligonucleotide fragments or small peptides, which can bind to targets. One of the problems with MS treatment is antibodies attacking the myelin sheath of the body’s nerves. With the amount of money that people spend every year on multiple sclerosis treatment, there is a need for a development of a treatment which gives patients the life they deserve.



  • To offer more specific, patient oriented, treatment of demyelinating diseases not currently available with traditional medication, including:
  • Treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) to counteract problems associated with traditional treatments
  • To treat chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIPD) and help protect patients



  • Allows for the mitigation of pathology while minimizing side effects
  • Is different than many of the traditional treatments for Multiple Sclerosis
  • Developed at a University with a large medical school which could serve as an advantage in research, testing, and implementation
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