Design Guideline of Floating Gate Electrolyte-Gated Transistor (FGEGT) Sensors

This technology is a method for designing floating gate electrolyte-gated transistor-based sensors, so that the sensor achieves a maximum sensitivity while maintaining a low operating voltage.

Electrolyte-gated transistors (EGTs) are a type of transistor particularly useful in biosensors due to their simplicity, sensitivity, low voltage needs, and compatibility with fluids. Floating gate electrolyte-gated transistors (FGEGTs), a type of EGT, have recently been proposed for sensing molecules, ions, or particles in a fluid, as they are less vulnerable to degradation caused by contact with the fluid.

Because FGEGT technology is still in its infancy, there is a need for methods of optimizing its performance for efficient use in real world applications. This technology provides a method of optimizing the sensor sensitivity and voltage required.


  • Sensors
  • Bioelectronics
  • Medical diagnostics & biosensors


  • High sensitivity
  • Low operating voltage
  • Simple architecture
  • Ideal for liquid environments
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