Damped Flexure Mount

The invention is a dampened flexure mount capable of enhancing the vibration isolation of highly sensitive equipment, including optics, aerospace, and space applications. The mount’s improved dampening capability arises from the incorporation of two or more materials in its design, where one imparts rigidity, while the other imparts flex dampening properties. The design adopts the concept of constrained layer damping. Here, a viscoelastic material is sandwiched between the mount and a rigid constraining layer. Vibrational energy, instead of adversely impacting the equipment, causes shearing in the viscoelastic layer. Over time, this vibrational energy transforms into heat in the viscoelastic layer, ensuring the vibrations do not disturb the equipment’s operation. The design has a Z flexure as well as X and Y, so it is quasi-kinematic in all axes.

Flexural mounts are commonly employed, particularly in optics, to create quasi-kinematic supports for components. In most optical applications, the environmental conditions are often benign. However, in scenarios where applications must endure harsh vibrations, such as during a space launch, it is often desirable to attenuate this excitation originating from the base of the structure to protect the delicate optics, detectors, and other supported components. The challenge lies in achieving the right balance between rigid support and damping capabilities. Over the years, many efforts have been made to address this concern, but finding an optimal solution that can cater to both the precision required by optical components and the durability needed to withstand intense vibrations remains a challenge. The key advantage of this type of mount is its monolithic (i.e., one-piece) construction, which precisely holds a component in place in perfect equilibrium without excessive constraint.


  • Optical mounts
  • Vibration isolation for aerospace components
  • Protecting sensitive equipment during space launches
  • Isolation for detectors and other precision instruments


  • Geometry can be applied to a wide range of applications
  • Uses multiple materials to add flexure and rigidity
  • Provides flexure in all directions without warping
  • Integrates the principle of constrained layer damping for superior vibration attenuation
  • Transforms vibrational energy into heat, minimizing disturbance
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