This innovation is a high-accuracy, low-cost, customizable genome sequencing method compatible with several long-read sequencing systems. It can be used to tailor target specific genomic sequencing -- increasing custom product offerings for sequencing service providers and kit manufacturers..
This technology introduces a novel approach for generating sequence-linked DNA fragments using a combination of nicking endonucleases and sgRNA libraries for de novo long-read genome sequencing. It leverages the precision of CRISPR-associated endonucleases and strand-displacing polymerases to create linked-paired-end DNA fragments, streamlining the sequencing library preparation process and enhancing genome assembly accuracy.
TITLE:Key Advantages
Customizable non-random fragmentation of target genomic regions
Compatible with a number of long-read sequencing systems
Target enrichment during sequencing library generation
Facilitates haplotype-resolved sequencing, crucial for understanding complex genomic loci
Highly accurate structural variant analysis due to target enrichment during fragmentation
Simple, fast, cost-effective and high-quality de novo assembly of complex genomes
Problem Solved
TITLE:Problems Solved
Challenges in accurate de novo genome assembly using short read sequencing
Errors introduced during target amplification with conventional sequencing protocols
Limitations in structural variant analysis within complex genomic regions
Limitations in resolution of haplotypes with traditional sequencing methods
High complexity, time, and cost of conventional genome sequencing
TITLE: Market Applications
Gene panel sequencing with 100% on-target coverage
Structural variant profiling and breakpoint detection
Reference-based and de novo haplotype phasing
QA/QC for cell and gene therapy development
QA/QC for crop, livestock and seafood genome engineering
Intellectual Property and Development Status
United States Issued Patent - Whole genome mapping by DNA sequencing with linked-paired-end library
United States Patent Pending - Linked-read sequencing library preparation
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A long-read sequencing strategy with overlapping linkers on adjacent fragments (OLAF-Seq) for targeted resequencing and enrichment
Contact Information
For Intellectual Property and Licensing inquiries
Robert McGrath, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Vice Provost,
Drexel Applied Innovation
Office of Research and Innovation
3250 Chestnut Street, Ste. 3010 Philadelphia, PA 19104
Inventor information
Ming Xiao, PhD
Professor School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems