Continuous Acid-free Measurements of Total Alkalinity

Competitive Advantages

  •     Measures total alkalinity continuously
  •     Is smaller than current devices
  •     Is portable
  •     Does not utilize hazardous acids
  •     Is less expensive than current devices


USF researchers have developed a system and method for the substantially continuous measurement of total alkalinity in liquid samples including seawater. This device uses a pH indicator and a gas mixture comprised of CO2. Both the baseline alkalinity and total alkalinity of a liquid sample can be determined with this technique. The measurement system is smaller than conventional methods, is highly portable, and is inexpensive relative to current devices. Further, the device is conceptually and operationally simple and is a safer alternative than conventional techniques because it does not require the use of strong acids.  

A Strong Relationship was Determined When the Novel Device was Compared to an Established TA Procedure 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Continuous Acid-free Measurements of Total Alkalinity Utility United States 15/436,269 10,060,891 2/17/2017 8/28/2018 2/17/2037