Compact Snapshot Dual-Mode Interferometric System

This technology is an interferometric system that measures both surface shape and roughness and is designed for on-machine metrology.

Interferometry uses constructive and destructive interference in waves to obtain information. One common application of this field is to examine the properties of a surface, often at nanoscale. When mounted on machines, interferometers enable manufacturing at extreme levels of precision.

Dual-mode inferometers use two different types of light to look at a surface and either measure the shape of a surface or its roughness depending upon the type of light used. However, existing dual-mode interferometers are unable to freely change between modes. This technology solves the problem by combining both surface shape and roughness measurement into one compact interferometric system and eliminates the need to reconfigure the system when switching between surface shape and roughness modes.


  • Precision machining
  • Optical manufacturing
  • Interferometric microscopy


  • Compact
  • Convenient – no reconfiguration required to switch measurement modes
  • Works with a wide range of spatial frequencies and aperture sizes
  • Minimizes environmental disturbance

Status: issued U.S. patent #12,203,752

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