Compact Image-Guided Surgical System

This invention is a compact intraoperative imaging device utilizing fluorescent near-infrared (NIR) imaging and projection during surgery to project light onto biological tissue. The device can operate as a handheld or head mounted device, allowing for hands-free imaging with increased brightness and view of the object. Light shaping and patterning directly at the source for targeted energy delivery is a benefit to this type of biomedical imaging. 

Common surgical imaging techniques require surgeons to sacrifice focus and free hands during surgery to retrieve and operate diagnostic imaging equipment that takes up space in the operating room. The use of overhead lighting during surgery also reduces image contrast. By projecting NIR fluorescence directly onto the patient in combination with imaging techniques, surgeons have better visibility of the surgical area.


  • Surgical imaging
  • NIR fluorescent imaging 


  • Hands-free operation allowing for focus on surgical plane
  • Better visibility of surgical area
  • Adjustable work distance for application in multiple surgical fields
  • Variability in application to different surgical procedures and techniques
  • Compact size
  • Targeted energy delivery
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