Commodity Self-Healing Copolymers

These materials are produced from commodity monomers with specific predefined compositions and exhibit self-healing properties for applications plastics, composites, coatings, paints, and other applications. According to Grand View Research, the global polymer market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 26.4% from 2017 to 2025 and is expected to reach $4.1 billion by 2025.  Preexisting self-healing materials rely on methods such as encapsulated fluids which fill damaged areas, nanomaterials that respond to electromagnetic fields, or some that incorporate living organisms into the material. Clemson University researchers have developed self-healing materials that are produced using commonly available monomers. Self-healing materials made with these copolymers are more cost effective as a result and could become more prolific than their predecessors.


Application                                                   Stage of Development

Plastics; paints and coatings                          Lab Scale Prototype




• Commodity copolymers self-heal using van der Waal forces, requiring no external stimuli


• The copolymers can self-heal multiple times, increasing the durability of the material


• Self-healing materials last longer, reducing costs in repairs and replacement



Technical Summary

Commodity copolymers, such as methyl methacrylate/n-butyl acrylate (pMMA/nBA) and their derivatives exhibit self-healing properties when combined in certain monomer ratios. Self-healing materials without human intervention can benefit many fields, from medical devices to aerospace industries. These copolymers rely on van der Waal forces to self-heal and provides a simple alternative to repairing materials using traditional methods. Since these copolymers are commonly known and accessible this invention provides an easier and cheaper self-healing solution.


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Inventor:                        Dr. Marek W. Urban


Patent Type:                  Issued


Serial Number:              11,312,807


CURF Ref No:               2018-027




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