This invention is vertical axis wind-water combined turbines for capturing energy from both the wind and the water current. Each turbine is connected axially to the energy capture device through a common floating platform. This invention has unique design aspects for the connection to each other and to the platform to maximize energy capture.
Background: Electricity generation from wind turbines is an established energy sector undergoing rapid growth in the US and worldwide. The US installed wind power capacity at the end of 2007 was 16,596 MW. This represents more than a three-fold increase in wind power capacity over a five year period, and the aggressive capacity growth is predicted to continue. The majority of the installed wind turbines are a horizontal axis design, resembling an adaption of the propeller. Although horizontal axis wind turbines are well-established, they are complex and costly to transport and install. The alternate vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) designs have had limited commercial success to date, despite the advantage that they can collect wind from all directions. The classic, lift-based VAWT design originates from the 1920's and the creator George Darrieus. The Darrieus-type VAWT uses guy cables to keep the turbine erect, which can cause wear of the bottom bearing.