Electric vehicles (EVs) represent one of the most promising pathways to increased energy security because they can tap into electricity as a power source that is domestic and relatively inexpensive. However, EV charging infrastructure continues to be one of the key limitations impacting the growth of EV adoption at a larger scale. It represents one of the key upfront costs that deter acquisition and use of electric vehicles. The lack of charging infrastructure results in concerns about range limitation and poses a handicap towards true utilization of EV
Researchers at the University of Alabama have developed a novel power electronics charge coupler that uses a wired power transfer from one vehicle to another. A wired connection will link a discharged vehicle to an adapter and then to a charged vehicle. The adapter will draw power from the charged vehicle to the discharged vehicle in an efficient and quick manner. Also, the technology acts as an uber like service where electric vehicle users can share power, eliminating the need for a multitude of power charging stations in a city. This diminishes the fear of an electric vehicle user of running out of energy as well as decreases cost for cities in implementing electric vehicle charging stations.
• Compact and quick. • Allows EV users to drive with more freedom. • Production of vehicle charging network.