Cardioprotective Activity of Nampt Activator in Diabetic Mice

Competitive Advantages

  •     Increased cardio protection
  •     Provides improved glucose tolerance
  •     An anti-diabetic agent
  •     Safe for long term use


USF researchers have investigated a novel pharmaceutical compound, known as P7C3. This compound was found to be a nicotinamide phosporiibosyltransferese (Nampt) activator and exhibited anti-ischemic cardioprotective activity in mice. Nampt is a known modulator of the physiological complications that lead to diabetic arrhythmogenesis. Additional co-morbidities of diabetic patients include higher atrial fibrillation, ventricular defects, myocardial damage, and scar formation. These risks can all be reduced by the P7C3 compound. Furthermore, testing revealed that this drug is safe to use, reporting no over hepatotoxicity, renal, or blood toxicity. This Nampt activator provides improved glucose tolerance along with insulin secretion and sensitivity. Overall, the indices of diabetes are significantly improved with use of Nampt activators for both short and long term use.  

A Schematic for the Discovery of Anti-Diabetic and Cardio-Protective Roles for a Nampt Activator  

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Methods and Uses of Nampt Activators for Treatment of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Symptoms Thereof Nationalized PCT United States 16/086,213 11,007,178 9/18/2018 5/18/2021 4/16/2038