Cactus Mucilage for Various Water Filtration Applications

Competitive Advantages

  • Biodegradable
  • Inexpensive
  • Sustainable
  • Purifies better than current methods


Our researchers have developed multiple ways to utilize cactus mucilage in environmental clean-up endeavors such as for oil spills and water purification efforts. This portable system effectively removes arsenic and bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus from water. Further, when in contact with oil, an aggregate is formed and remains afloat, making the oil spill clean-up process easier. This natural extract can also be fabricated into a nanofibrous material via electrospinning. The nanofibers produced are non-woven, have high surface areas, and exhibit a porosity that is ideal for the filtration of bacteria, arsenic and heavy metals from water. These inventions are non-toxic, sustainable, and biodegradable. They will be useful in numerous applications including water purification and environmental clean-up efforts. 

The Cactus Mucilage Effectively Purified E. Coli From Samples 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Water Purification Method Using Plant Molecules Utility United States 11/934,932 7,943,049 11/5/2007 5/17/2011 11/5/2027