Blue Light Shield Loupe Attachment for Eye Protection of Dental Personnel

Blocks Harmful Blue Light and Prevents Irreversible Retinal Damage

This protective shield attaches to dental loupes and blocks harmful blue light waves used to cure resin during restorative dental procedures. Dental personnel complete more than 260 million resin composite dental restorations requiring blue light curation each year. To perform these procedures, dental personnel often use magnifying loupes, which requires them to remove their protective goggles to do so. Exposing their eyes to blue light waves can cause permanent retinal aging and degradation.


Researchers at the University of Florida have developed a transparent blue light shield that can conveniently attach to dental loupes, allowing dentists to continue using magnification throughout restorative procedures while also protecting their eyes from exposure to blue light waves.




Eye protection that attaches to dental loupes and protects dental personnel from exposure to harmful blue light waves during resin composite dental restorations



  • Blocks intense blue light, reducing photochemical damage that leads to premature retinal aging and degeneration
  • Shield is mounted on dental loupes for hands-free operation, mitigating the need for switching between using loupes and protective goggles
  • Shield is easily removed from loupes, facilitating convenient cleaning and sterilization


The shield is a transparent plastic cover that goes over the loupe lens. It blocks blue light produced by the resin curing light and is made from the same material already in use as covers on resin curing lights. The shield is designed so that dental personnel may slide it into place easily while using the curing light and slide it back out of view when no longer needed.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Loupes Protection Shields Useful in Dental Applications PROV United States 62/931,993   11/7/2019   11/7/2020