Biomimetic Transfemoral Knee with Gear Mesh Locking Mechanism

Competitive Advantages

  • Simple design
  • Highly customizable
  • Anatomically scalable
  • Biomimetic kinematics
  • Can be adapted for actuator control
  • Can be used in Robotics


The invention is a biomimetic prosthetic knee which uses a passive locking mechanism with the same cross-linked four-bar mechanism that is used to represent the ACL and the PCL. This mechanism can be adapted for a passive transfemoral prosthetic knee design. The kinematics of the knee are simple and made to mimic the human knee functions. The simplicity of the design makes the knee mechanism inexpensive to manufacture. The design can also be scaled to fit patient’s femoral condyle dimensions, and the gears used in the mechanism can enable stepper motor control. Due to the advent of rapid prototyping this device can be made available in all major markets. 

Rapid Prototype Model of the Biomimetic Transfemoral Knee

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Biomimetic Transfemoral Knee with Gear Mesh Locking Mechanism Nationalized PCT WIPO 16/401,886 10,864,091 11/1/2017 12/15/2020 1/18/2038