Bioinspired Glycolipids as Fugitive Dust Suppression Agents

This technology involves the utilization of bioinspired glycolipids to reduce fugitive dust emissions.

Fugitive dust is defined by the EPA as dust that "arises from the mechanical disturbance of granular material exposed to air" and common sources of such materials include constructions sites, dirt roads, barren fields, mining operations, smokestacks, etc. Many governments are taking immense efforts to prevent and control air pollution by introducing numerous stringent regulations and standards for the environment and safety of workers, resulting in increased demand for highly efficient air pollution control equipment.

Glycolipids are an attractive material for dust suppression applications because of their effective surfactant characteristics and environmental compatibility: sustainable production, biodegradability, and low toxicity. These materials are advantageous over other materials because they will not lead to salt accumulation in soils; are non-corrosive to equipment; are simple to formulate, mix, transport, and apply; are adaptable to specific needs; will not interfere with vegetative caps; and are synthesized from naturally derived products. This technology would fill the demand in multiple markets like construction, agriculture, and mining where dust emissions are monitored closely.


  • Mining
  • Agriculture
  • Construction


  • Environmentally friendly
  • Effective
  • Easy to use
  • Safe
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