Bi-directional Magnetic Permeability Enhanced Metamaterial (MPEM) Substrate for Antenna Miniaturization






This innovation provides a novel antenna miniaturization design using metamaterials. The design includes a bi-directional antenna composed of a plurality of unit cells stacked in two perpendicular planes (Y-X and Z-X) to create cube-shaped unit cells. Each unit cell contains a magnetic permeability enhanced metamaterial with inductive loops embedded within a substrate. These loops are placed on four faces, corresponding to the Y-X and Z-X planes. This unique design allows the antenna to couple magnetic fields oriented in both the X and Y directions with increased permeabilities. The invention leverages micro-fabrication technologies to create thin MPEM substrates suitable for space-constrained devices. The metamaterial substrate can be used to reduce the size and improve the performance of various types of antennas, such as microstrip patch antennas, monopole antennas, dipole antennas, and loop antennas.




TITLE:Key Advantages


Bi-directional coupling: The antenna can efficiently couple magnetic fields in both the X and Y directions, offering greater design flexibility

Miniaturization: The magnetic permeability enhanced metamaterial enables antenna miniaturization while maintaining acceptable radiation efficiency and bandwidth

Homogeneity: The material's homogeneity improves device properties, including bandwidth and matching

Analytical design: Design engineers can predict antenna performance analytically, reducing the need for time-consuming simulation

Reduced metal losses: The unit cell configuration minimizes metal losses, resulting in a more efficient substrate

Enhanced radiation pattern: Increasing the gain and reducing the back radiation enhances the radiation pattern

Enabling the design of multi-band and reconfigurable antennas by using multiple substrates with different resonance frequencies


Problem Solved

TITLE:Problems Solved


Limited permeability enhancement: Existing MPEM substrates provide uni-directional magnetic field enhancement, restricting their utility to antenna designs generating uni-directional magnetic fields

Space constraints: Many devices have stringent space limitations, making it challenging to accommodate large antenna arrays

Lack of design flexibility: Conventional substrates lack flexibility in picking dimensions suitable for the target platform, limiting antenna design options



TITLE: Market Applications


Wireless Communication Systems: This technology can enhance the performance of wireless communication systems, especially in space-constrained devices like mobile phones

Antenna Manufacturing: Manufacturers can use these bi-directional MPEM substrates to create antennas for various applications, such as IoT devices, Wi-Fi routers, and more

Metamaterial Development: Researchers and companies working with metamaterials can benefit from these advancements in antenna design and magnetic permeability enhancement

Consumer Electronics: Integration of these bi-directional antennas in consumer electronics, including smartphones and tablets, can improve wireless communication capabilities

Satellite communication and Defense: This technology can enhance the performance of satellite communications such as GPS, GNSS and Leo satellites and radar, jamming and stealth systems for defense applications





Intellectual Property and Development Status

United States Issued Patent- Bi-directional magnetic permeability enhanced metamaterial (MPEM) substrate for antenna miniaturization






 Contact Information      




For Intellectual Property and Licensing inquiries


Tanvi Muni, PhD

Licensing Manager

Drexel Applied Innovation

Office of Research and Innovation

3250 Chestnut Street, Ste. 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104



Inventor information

Kapil R. Dandekar, Ph.D.

Director, Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory

E. Warren Colehower Chair Professor

Associate Dean for Enrollment Management and Graduate Education

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office of the Dean

3101 Market St 232A; CAT 170

Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

Phone: 1-215-895-2004


Inventor Webpage

Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory


Patent Information: