Automated Work-Flow Analysis using Ultra-Wide Band based Real-Time Localization System

This technology is a novel workflow analysis framework, designed to analyze the movement of both human and material objects based on real-time localization systems (RTLS) utilizing ultra-wide band (UWB) technologies. This technology requires very little to no human intervention. The accuracy of this technology is validated with video data and shows that is able to improve workflow and process efficiency measures.

Workflow analysis traditionally requires data collection done by a human observer. This process can be expensive and task intensive, and still not yield complete data. Most importantly, this process is prone to human error during the data collection process. The utilization of real-time localization systems and ultra-wide band technology can help automate this process and address several of the current issues with it.


  • Workflow analysis of any manufacturing process
  • Continuous workflow monitoring


  • Reduces time required for analysis
  • Reduces the amount of hours required
  • Cost effective
  • Reduces chance of human error
  • Improved workflow and process efficiency
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