Applications of Orange Flourescent Protein in Biotechnology Education

Invention Reference: 02/MED/095

OFP is an ideal tool of choices to promote biotechnology education. Using OFP technology, a series of interrelated experiment kits can be developed for students from high schools to colleges. Kits related to areas of molecular cloning, DNA electrophoresis, bacterial transformation, protein expression and purification, site-directed mutagenesis, protein crystallization and even transgenic expression of foreign protein in silkworm can be developed.


All experiments are related and can be done in a project base. After completion of all kit modules, students will have a very clear picture of what biotechnology is all about. They will have hands on experience on how to clone a gene from a species, how to manipulate DNA in order to experience the power of gene modification and what is gene we are talking about, and how genetic information is stored in DNA and translated into proteins. Using mutagenesis of OFP as an example, students can demonstrate to themselves that genes can be manipulated to create new mutants with switched colour. Students can even use well-proved human-safe baculovirus expression system to create a transgenic fluorescent silkworm with their choice of colours.

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