Antibody Therapy and Diagnosis for Microsporidiosis Disease in Shrimp Aquaculture

This invention is a therapy against Ecytonucleospora hepatopenaei (EHP) and diagnostic method to identify EHP-infected shrimp using monoclonal antibodies. The antibodies can be produced in cell culture or expressed using a heterologous expression system for administering to shrimp broodstock, post larvae in a hatchery, and in farmed shrimp in a grow out pond and/or raceway as a preventative or therapeutic measure. Additionally, it can be delivered via shrimp feed or directly to the shrimp.  

Hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis, caused by Ecytonucleospora hepatopenaei (EHP), is an emergent disease in farmed shrimp that has caused major economic losses in shrimp aquaculture in southeast Asia. The disease has now spread to Latin America and posing a threat to shrimp farming in the western hemisphere. Currently, there are no known therapies to combat this disease and implementing biosecurity to prevent the introduction of the disease in the farm remains the only avenue to control the disease. 


  • Shrimp aquaculture
  • EHP therapeutic 
  • EHP diagnostic


  • Diagnostic and therapeutic in one product
  • Multiple ways to administer the therapeutic 
  • Can be incorporated into shrimp feed
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