Additive Manufacturing Using Laser Reactive Sintering of Mixtures of Metallic Powders and Sulfur

This invention is a new powder mixture of chalcophilic metals or others and sulfur for use in selective laser sintering (SLS), a form of 3D printing.


Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a 3D printing technology has typically been used with plastics such as nylon and polystyrene but can also be used with metals such as steel and titanium. By using 3D printing we can use these materials to create ever more complex structures that can't be made through traditional methods. However in selective laser sintering, compounds don't completely melt and fuse together. Instead, the particles in the powder will bond on the surface, not always forming a strong enough structure for the given application. There are other options like selective laser melting, which uses higher temperatures than sintering or pieces can be run through a furnace to melt the material together. Both of these processes add to the costs and complexity of a making objects with a 3D printer. The technology presented here provides a better substrate mixture that, when heated, will undergo an exothermic reaction and will get hotter than just using a laser allowing the metals to melt more evenly and form a stronger connection.



  • Substrate for SLS 3D printing 


  • Allows metal to better melt together via exothermic reaction
  • Provides a stronger connection
  • Produces monolithic metal sulfide structures
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