A topological insulator that routes optical signals from one port to another in a flexible manner, making use of its entire footprint.
Problem: Controlling light flow is required for photonic infrastructures used in data processing, communication, and computing. However, current photonic integrated infrastructures are limited by crosstalk and disorder-induced scattering losses. As such, these infrastructures lack flexibility and require large footprints, making large-scale integrated photonic applications impractical.
Solution: A topologic insulator has been developed which allows for the control of light flow across the surface of the insulator using optical pumping of spatial light patterns.
Technology Overview: A non-Hermitian control of patterned gain/loss distribution is used to actively steer topological light along any route in a photonic integrated circuit. This control is conducted by optically pumping the photonic lattice to create distributed gain and loss domains. Using the non-Hermitian manipulation redefines the topological domain wall without altering the structure.
Non-Hermitian control of light propagation in a topological microring lattice. (A). Schematic of creating the topological edge channels along the gain/loss interface in the bulk of the photonic lattice with uniform global topology. (B) The topologic edge states can be dynamically reconfigured to steer light along any boundary.
Stage of Development:
Intellectual Property: PCT Pending
Docket # 20-9135