A Thermosensitive and Photocrosslinkable Polymer Composite for 3-D Soft Tissue Scaffold Printing




Drexel University researchers have developed a novel biocompatible and biodegradable thermosensitive and photocrosslinkable material for use with solid freeform fabrication (SFF) printers. Blends of a thermosensitive poly (ethylene glycol-b-(DL-lactic acid-co-glycolic acid)-bethylene glycol), PEG-PLGA-PEG, triblock and photocrosslinkable PEG methacrylatePLGA-PEG methacrylate, PEGma-PLGA-PEGma, allow for materials that are well suited for the fabrication of 3-D soft tissue scaffold printing. It is a solution of low viscosity at low temperature and becomes a highly viscous material with increase in temperature. Additional strength and irreversibility of the gel is gained with UV light irradiation.

Other types of natural and synthesized materials were studied for use with SFF printers but none were capable of general use with a multiple number of printers because of specialized gelation steps or long solidification times. Thermosensitive and photocrosslinkable materials were also studied because of their simplicity allowing for the elimination of additional crosslinking material. Alone, each material is not able to build 3-D structures due to its mechanical abilities, but combined, the advantages of each material create a material that is ideal for soft tissue scaffold printing. This type of material allows for the integration of cell printing so that precise complex architecture can be accomplished with the incorporation of cells where needed in the scaffold.


TITLE: Applications

3D printing of complex structures

Soft tissue scaffold printing

Printing of tissue engineered scaffolds containing live cells and growth factors



Does not require the addition of crosslinking materials


Designed for cell printing for complex tissue creation



Intellectual Property and Development Status

United States Issued Patent - 9,205,175



United States Patent Pending- 14/886,084





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A Thermosensitive and Photocrosslinkable Composite Polymer study for 3-D Soft Tissue Scaffold Printing


Commercialization Opportunities


Contact Information     


Alexey Melishchuk, PhD

Associate Director, Licensing

Office of Technology Commercialization

Drexel University

3180 Chestnut Street, Suite 104

Philadelphia, PA 19104

T: 215-895-0304






Patent Information: