A Telescope for Mass Production at Low Cost

This technology is a new way to cost-effectively mass produce mirrors and optics for smaller (<30” aperture) telescopes. The mirrors are made using a rapid replication process and are equipped with coolers for active shape adjustment. It also employs an optical corrector near the focus to reduce atmospheric image blurring. This innovative manufacturing technique ensures high-quality, affordable telescopes for a wide range of applications.

The primary application of this technology is to manufacture an interferometer made of thousands of smaller telescopes that link together for astronomical observations. However, it may also have commercial value in spectroscopy and high-volume laser communication applications. This invention is poised to revolutionize the telescope market by making it more accessible to researchers, professionals, and amateur astronomers alike.

The use of these systems is most profitable in space laser communications, where the 2022-2028 CAGR is 40.60% and inter-satellite communications is the largest sector. Across all explored markets, North America generally dominates and is followed by the Asia Pacific and Europe. Additional markets that are seeing large growth and are relevant to this innovation are healthcare, amateur astronomy, and automobiles. 


  • Telescope manufacturing
  • Astronomical interferometers 
  • Mass production of optical materials 
  • Education
  • Communications


  • Cost efficient
  • Mass producible
  • Diverse applications
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