A Reconfigurable Antenna Based Solution for Device Authentication in Wireless Networks





Large scale proliferation of wireless technology coupled with the increasingly hostile information security landscape creates a serious need for effective security measures. The fundamental broadcast nature of wireless data transmission aggravates the situation by introducing multiple avenues for attack and penetration into a network. While several established protection mechanisms such as cryptography based techniques and wireless intrusion prevention systems exist, each method has its own weaknesses and is susceptible to failure under different circumstances. Drexel researchers have devised a novel device authentication scheme that utilizes the capabilities of reconfigurable antennae to provide a robust additional layer of security against attacks that are based on spoofing transmitter identities, as well as man-in-the-middle attacks. This method shows marked improvement in intruder detection rates, as well as providing a precise guideline on how to choose a reconfigurable antenna and the number of modes in order to achieve the required level performance in a given environment.



TITLE: Applications


Device authentication in wireless network security





Effectiveness: high intruder detection rates at low false alarm rates.  It has been shown that the effectiveness of the device fingerprint can be increased significantly with the addition of extra antenna modes.

Security: Enforcing security at the lowest layer provides a robust extra level of security and helps the upper level layers to better handle spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Efficiency: Reconfigurable antennas are mainly incorporated in wireless devices for their ability to increase spectral efficiency. Applying them for security provides meaningful additional returns on the extra costs incurred in incorporating such antennas.



FIGURES: Insert Figure Image Inside Figure Tags within Editor

Figure 1





Intellectual Property and Development Status

United States Issued Patent- 9,560,073



United States Patent Pending- 15/390,134






Pubinfo should be the citation for your publication. Publink is the full url linking to the publication online or a pdf.

Prathaban Mookiah and Kapil R. Dandekar, “A Reconfigurable Antenna-Based Solution for Stationary Device Authentication in Wireless Networks,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2012, Article ID 545783, 11 pages, 2012


P. Mookiah, J.M. Walsh, R. Greenstadt and K.R. Dandekar, 'Reconfigurable Antenna Based Intrusion Detection in Wireless Networks', International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (Special Issue on Smart and Reconfigurable Antenna Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks), 2013.





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Contact Information     



Robert B. McGrath, Ph.D.

Senior Associate Vice Provost

Office of Technology Commercialization

Drexel University

3180 Chestnut Street, Ste. 104

The Left Bank

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Phone: 215-895-0303

E-mail: RBM26@drexel.edu


For Technical Information:


Kapil Dandekar, PhD

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies

College of Engineering

3141 Chestnut St – 7-209

Philadelphia, PA 19104


Phone: 215-895-2004

Email: dandekar@coe.drexel.edu



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