Zingiberene is a sesquiterpene produced by many plant species including ginger, turmeric, cultivated tomato, and its wild relatives. It is synthesized at particularly high levels in the trichomes of certain accessions of the wild tomato species Solanum habrochaites and is a potent insect repellent. The identification of a gene from S. habrochaites that synthesizes zingiberene provides an opportunity to directly control the synthesis of the chemical in other plant species to improve resistance to insect pests.
Description of Technology
Michigan State University’s technology is a novel enzyme from the wild tomato species Solanum habrochaites that synthesizes a mixture of sesquiterpenes (C15 compounds). These volatile compounds (primarily zingiberene) are known to repel insects. The proposed gene that synthesizes zingiberene gives the host plant insect resistance. The gene provides resistance to whiteflies and thrips, which are not controlled well by current Bt transgenic plant technology.
Key Benefits
Patent Status
Patent pending
Cornelius Barry, Eliana Gonzales-Vigil
Tech ID