2019-954 Ultrastable Nanoemulsions in Disordered and Ordered States


Researchers in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA have developed a method for the production of crystalline, iridescent emulsions stable to repeated dilutions.


Many existing nanoemulsion formulations suffer from instability, especially with regards to dilution. To prevent the nano-droplets from coalescing, more and more stabilizing agent must be added as the emulsion concentration is reformulated for application.


Many existing nanoemulsion formulations suffer from instability, especially with regards to dilution. To prevent the nano-droplets from coalescing, more and more stabilizing agent must be added as the emulsion concentration is reformulated for application.


  • Drug Delivery
  • Cosmetics
  • Agrochemicals
  • Food Additives
  • Healthcare broadly


  • Stabilized by crystal packing rather than weak electrostatics
  • Repeated dilution does not alter morphology
  • Easily produced and isolated


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