2015-493 Periodically Rippled Antenna

Periodically Rippled Antenna



UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical Engineering have designed a periodically-rippled microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication systems.



Advancements in communication engineering and integration technology demand size reduction of low frequency antennas. Multiband operation and miniaturization in microstrip patch antennas have received interest due to their simple design and low manufacturing costs. However, conventional miniaturization techniques using high permittivity dielectric materials result in poor device performance. Rippled structures can overcome these size reduction limitations.



UCLA researchers have developed a periodically-rippled patch antenna structure for microwave integrated devices. The rippled structure results in a 26% size reduction compared to regular antennas, as well as dual-mode operation. Miniaturization is achieved while maintaining device performance comparable to industry standards. The device has low manufacturing costs and is compatible with industry microfabrication techniques. Moreover, metals or graphene can be readily deposited onto the structure and increase the device’s versatility.



- Wireless communication systems (mobile phones)

- RF, microwave devices

- Microelectronics



- 26% size reduction

- Device performance comparable to industry standards

- Low manufacturing costs

- Readily integrates new materials



M. Yazdani, A. Navabi, P.Khalili, K. Wang, “Size reduction and dual mode degeneracy in microstrip patch antenna using periodically rippled silicon substrate.” 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium.

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