
UCLA researchers in the department of radiological sciences have developed plant-virus-derived vectors for packaging and delivery of RNA genes to mammalian cells.

TITLE: Diffusion Reproducibility Evaluation And Measurement (Dream)-MRI



Diffusion MRI makes possible the mapping of molecular diffusion, such as the diffusion of water in biological tissue. Because the diffusion of water follows cell and tissue structure, diffusion MRI is commonly used to examine brain connectivity. The current method of characterizing diffusivity captures only a few measurements, but it may be useful to capture the distribution of apparent diffusion coefficients as well as other information on diffusivity over time.




The innovation described here is a new imaging technique for diffusion MRI that involves rapid acquisition of hundreds of diffusion-weighted images within a short scan time. Some advantages of this approach include generation of apparent diffusion coefficient probability density functions (ADC PDFs) and simultaneous quantification of fMRI information.




MRI systems for medical imaging and diagnostics



•       Can generate ADC probability density functions, which may help tumor characterization

•       Can provide time series diffusivity information

•       Simultaneous quantification of fMRI information


Development To-Date:


Product finished and tested with over 40 patients.


Related Papers (from the inventors only)


Reference: UCLA Case No. 2014-315


Lead Inventor: Benjamin M. Ellingson


OTT/iBridge Category Keywords [link]: Medical > Diagnostics, Medical > Imaging, Imaging > Medical, Imaging > Molecular


Technology-related keywords (search terms, be liberal): MRI, diffusion weighted imaging, apparent diffusion coefficient, fMRI, diffusion MRI, tumor characterization, time series MRI


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