Investigators at UCLA have discovered the target for resveratrol, an anti-aging compound, which may be useful for discovering a new class of anti-aging drugs.
Aging is a natural state of development that reduces ones adaptivity and increases the incidence of disease. Several diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis and neurodegeneration, occur as a direct result of aging. Resveratrol is a well known anti-aging chemical, but its molecular target is controversial, making it difficult to uncover other chemicals. It would be of interest to discover resveratrols target within the cell to allow a new class of anti-aging drugs to emerge.
Researchers at UCLA have identified the molecular target of resveratrol, thereby uncovering a new drug target for anti-aging drug screening. Additionally, this target has been indirectly implicated in anti-aging research in S. cerevisiae and C. elegans, and inhibitors of this target have previously been identified. These inhibitors may be useful candidates for future anti-aging drugs.
State of Development
The molecular target of resveratrol has been identified. Its use as a readout for anti-aging drug discovery has been validated in vitro. The existing inhibitors to the target have not been tested for their ability to prolong survival in the laboratory.