Search Results - yigong+shi

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Isothiocyanate-Containing Gel for Use Against Skin Cancer Alone or in Combination With Other Therapies
Novel treatment for skin cancer using a naturally-occurring compound Background: Approximately one in every five Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime. Most will develop non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), and the incidence of NMSC may increase by an estimated 50% by 2030, despite growing public awareness of the harmful effects of...
Published: 12/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Anthony Di Pasqua, Yi Shi, Ositomiwa Osipitan
Category(s): Campus > Binghamton University, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering
Structural, Biochemical, and Functional Analyses of CED-9 Recognition by the Proapoptotic Protein EGL-1
Apoptosis or programmed cell death is an essential process in the development and homeostasis of all multi-cellular organisms such as humans. Suppression of programmed cell death is a contributing reason for a range of human diseases such as cancer. Thus finding a strategy to specifically down-regulate the functions of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL is important...
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Yigong Shi
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
Compositions and Methods for Regulating Intramembrane Proteases
Princeton University Invention # 07-2348 Intramembrane proteolysis is a widely conserved regulatory mechanism in species ranging from bacteria to humans. The first description of intramembrane proteolysis came from the investigation of cholesterol homeostasis, where the ER membrane-bound transcriptional factor SREBP must be cleaved by an...
Published: 12/21/2022   |   Inventor(s): Yigong Shi, Nieng Yan
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
Method of Screening compounds that Antagonize HAUSP
Princeton University Invention # 2174 Cancer is one of the most debilitating diseases affecting mankind. More than 600 thousand patients die of cancer in the United States. Oncogenesis is inhibited by the tumor suppressor genes and accelerated by oncogenes. p53 is one of the most important tumor suppressor proteins and is inactivated in nearly...
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Yigong Shi
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
Soluble, Functional Apoptotic Protease-Activating Factor-1 Fragments
Princeton University Invention # 05-2166 Apoptosis or programmed cell death is an essential process in the development and homeostasis of humans. Abnormal inhibition of apoptosis is a hallmark of cancer and autoimmune diseases, whereas excessive activation of cell death is implicated in neuro-degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer¿s...
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Yigong Shi
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals