Search Results - yashaswy+govada

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Soft Wearable Device to Aid in Hemiparetic Gait
Hemiparesis, which is muscle weakness or partial paralysis on one side of the body, affects about 8 out of 10 stroke survivors, resulting in reduced motor performance which can include difficulty walking or grasping items. Gait training has been found to improve muscular strength and movement coordination. While there are many devices to help with lower-limb...
Published: 11/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Abhishu Patel, Ryan Borneman, Omik Save, Yashaswy Govada, Saivimal Sridar, Pham Nguyen, Thomas Sugar, Ammon Lovell
Category(s): Life Science (All LS Techs), Manufacturing/Construction/Mechanical, Medical Devices