Search Results - sunwoo+jung

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Hydrogen Sensors That Are Impervious to Water but Sensitive to Gas
PMMA Encapsulation of Semiconductor-Based Hydrogen Sensor Effectively Increases Accuracy of Hydrogen Gas Detection by Blocking Water Molecules while Permitting the Penetration of the Hydrogen MoleculesThis poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-encapsulated Schottky diode protects hydrogen sensors from humidity without affecting their ability to detect hydrogen....
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Stephen Pearton, Fan Ren, Soohwan Jang, Sunwoo Jung
Keywords(s): Gas Sensor, humidity or water insensitive, polymer encapsulation
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Electrical, Technology Classifications > Environmental > Others, Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Others