Search Results - rao+fei

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Smart Coating to Reflect Lasers and Dissipate Their Energy
Responds Automatically and Transforms to Reflect Laser IlluminationThis surface coating uses a graphene-oxide-reinforced shape memory polymer that changes color in response to laser beam. The early detection of a laser beams is desirable to prevent damage to military equipment, such as drones, that can lose functionality from laser beam illumination....
Published: 7/18/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ruochen Liu, Peng Jiang, Sin Leo, Rao Fei, Wei Zhang
Keywords(s): Coatings (nanotech) 112614, Graphene oxide, laser light, Photonic crystals, shape memory polymer, stimuli-responsive
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials, Technology Classifications > Others > Cleantech