Search Results - pharmaceutical+supply+chain

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Unclonable, Chipless RFID Tags to Improve Tracking and Tracing of Pharmaceuticals
Tracks Pharmaceutical Tablets at Pill Level to Enhance Traceability and Prevent Counterfeit Drug ReplacementThis unclonable chipless RFID (UCR) tag enables pharmaceutical companies to trace products at the pill level through their supply chains. Today's pharmaceutical industry suffers from product theft and counterfeiting. These issues not only damage...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Domenic Forte, Mark Tehranipoor, Kun Yang, Haoting Shen, Ulbert Botero
Keywords(s): Chipless RFID Tag, Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, Pill-Level Traceability, Split Manufacturing, Unclonability, Uniqueness
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Electrical, Technology Classifications > Others > Security