Search Results - parisa+rashidi

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AI Monitoring System That Provides Continuous Sensing of Patient Status in Real-Time
Autonomously Monitors Patients, Enabling More Timely Interventions While Reducing Caretakers’ Workload This intelligent patient monitoring system uses an array of wearable sensors and cameras combined with machine-learning platforms to conduct autonomous, continuous observation and analysis of patient status and environmental conditions in the...
Published: 9/7/2022   |   Inventor(s): Parisa Rashidi, Patrick Tighe, Azra Bihorac
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Equipment
Knowledge Transfer in Smart Environments
Unmet Need: Simplified Training for Assistive Artificial Intelligence in New Sensored Environments Data mining and pervasive computing technologies found in smart homes offer unprecedented opportunities for providing context-aware services, including health monitoring and assistance to individuals experiencing difficulties living independently at home....
Published: 5/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Diane Cook, Parisa Rashidi
Keywords(s): Computer Hardware/Software
Category(s): Technologies > Equitable & Thriving Communities > Informatics, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Health-IT
Smart Home Technologies to Support Adults with Cognitive and Physical Limitations
Unmet Need: Sensor Data Recognition and Analysis In today’s connected world, businesses and individuals are more interested in capturing and understanding the data our smart phones, smart speakers, even smart refrigerators transmit. This data-mining craze has created a proliferation of sensor data and we are finding it difficult to track all...
Published: 6/9/2023   |   Inventor(s): Diane Cook, Michael Youngblood, Parisa Rashidi
Keywords(s): Computer Hardware/Software
Category(s): Technologies > Energy & Environment > Computer Hardware/Software