Search Results - oil+%26+gas

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Generation of bijels using nanoparticles for use in manufacturing high surface area ceramic membranes
Gas separation technology using different types of membrane materials is used in many industrial applications, including; hydrocarbon refining/processing, gas separation plants, food processing, and water treatment/purification plants. A variety of gas separation membrane materials have been used to conduct these types of operations, including; polyamide,...
Published: 2/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Martin F. Haase, Azeem khan, Stephen Boakye-Ansah
Keywords(s): Bijels, Ceramic, Fibers, Gas Separation, Membranes, Oil & Gas
Category(s): Engineering > Materials
Method to actively control the direction of hydraulic fractures using ultrasonic waves
Hydraulic fracking has revolutionized the oil industry since the first successful application in 1950. In hydraulic fracking, high pressure fluids are injected into wells in order to crack and thereby render the oil containing substrate more permeable thus allowing the entrapped oil and gas to flow more freely. Wells may be drilled vertically hundreds...
Published: 3/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Cheng Zhu, Bruno Goncalves de Silva
Keywords(s): Environmental , Fracking, Oil & Gas, Ultrasonic
Category(s): Environment
A novel plug and valve system for managing flow from an uncontrolled undersea oil or gas well
TechnologyInventors at Rowan University have developed a system for effectively managing the flow of crude oil and natural gas from an uncontrolled undersea oil well. The system comprises a plug and valve assembly encased within a housing that is propelled and steered underwater to the damaged wellhead. Once at the repair site, the plug assembly is...
Published: 3/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Charles Linderman
Keywords(s): Disaster, Emergency, Environmental , Marine, Oil & Gas
Category(s): Environment