Search Results - nanofiber+patterning

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Efficient Device for Manufacturing Nanoporous Membranes and 3-D Scaffolds for Tissue Culture
Utilizes Stamp-thru-mold Procedure to Pattern Nanoporous MembraneThis efficient, cost-effective device produces superior-quality nanoporous membranes and three-dimensional nanoporous structures used in medical-tissue scaffolding. Since these membranes and structures are formed by stacking directionally controlled nanofibers using the unique stamp-thru-mold...
Published: 1/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yong Yoon, Pit Jao, Gloria Kim
Keywords(s): Biocompatible patterning, Contact printing nanofiber, Electrospinning, Nanofiber patterning, Submicron polymer patterning
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Mechanical, Technology Classifications > Others > Nanotech