Search Results - marissa+nichole+rylander

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RealCooL: rapid thermal control of liquids
Problem statement Current technologies to heat or cool liquids, such as water baths to rewarm or pasteurize human milk, suffer from slow heating times and inability to control temperature accurately. There is a need for a device that is faster, more accurate, and safer for babies and caregivers to use. Solution RealCooL was developed by engineers...
Published: 6/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Marissa Rylander, Christopher Rylander
Category(s): Life sciences > Research tools, Life sciences > Medical technology > Medical devices
Fiberoptic Microneedle Device for Convection-Enhanced Thermochemotherapy of Malignant Glioma
This invention allows diffuse convection-enhanced delivery of chemotherapy to tumors unreachable by direct surgical intervention. The device employs simultaneous co-delivery of fluid agents and laser energy at multiple infusion points to improve coverage of tumor margins. Previous similar methods have recently failed to meet clinical endpoints in Phase...
Published: 10/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Rylander, Robert Hood, John Robertson, Marissa Nichole Rylander
Keywords(s): Medical/Device
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Biomedical