Search Results - magnetic+suspension

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Portable Magnetic Susceptometer that Detects Pathogens in the Field During Outbreaks
Simple and Compact Architecture Saves Time and Money When Characterizing Biological Samples The simple and compact architecture of this magnetic susceptometer makes it portable enough to detect biological pathogens in the field during outbreaks, resulting in a faster response. Foodborne illness created a $17.6 billion economic burden in 2018, according...
Published: 2/15/2022   |   Inventor(s): Nicolas Garraud, David Arnold
Keywords(s): Biomedical detection, Diagnostic, Fluidic Measurement, Magnetic susceptometry, Magnetic suspension, Spin vortex discs
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agricultural > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Instrumentation-Sensors-Photonics, Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Equipment, Technology Classifications > Others > Nanotech, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Diagnostics