Search Results - leonardo+bonati

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A unified framework for multi-access edge computing (MEC) network slicing in 5G networks
Sl-EDGE: An automated solution to handle network slicing and MEC functionalities with minimal human interaction Source: Adobe Stock By metamorworks/ File # 300273788 INV-20109 Background It has become apparent that advanced softwarization and virtualization...
Published: 12/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Salvatore D'Oro, Tommaso Melodia, Francesco Restuccia, Leonardo Bonati
Keywords(s): 5G Networks, Cellular Networks, Edge Computing, Network Slicing
Category(s): -Networks, -Communications, Technology Classifications > WIoT
SteaLTE: Private 5G Cellular Connectivity as a Service Through Full-Stack Wireless Steganography
SteaLTE enhances 5G security with covert network slices for private, reliable, and stealthy communications.” Source: By Official Adobe Stock #1011326470 Background: The surge in privacy threats...
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tommaso Melodia, Leonardo Bonati, Salvatore D'Oro, Francesco Restuccia
Keywords(s): 5G Networks, 5g NR, Cellular Networks, Next-generation Mobile Networks, Privacy, Steganography
Category(s): -Networks, -Sensors tech, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science, Technology Classifications > WIoT